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Monday, May 01, 2006

Wish List

I've been researching how to direct more traffic to my blog, there are some helpful tips, most I've done already. I think the most important thing to do is to be patient. A couple of entries ago I mentioned compiling a wish list. Well, here it is:
  • A pair of fuzzy Uggs
  • A military field jacket
  • A Starbucks teddy bear
  • A walkman
  • A pair of Levis cargo pants
  • A nice leather belt
  • A filofax
  • A gym membership
  • A Swedish military sleeping bag
  • A Dell laptop computer with Hollywood Basic Scriptwriter software kit
  • A complete hygiene kit
  • A Metro monthly bus pass
  • Internet membership
  • A nice, soft, 100% cotton fleece sweater
  • A nice CD collection

I've thought about these items over and over again. Eventually, I'll get them. They are all practical items good for everyday use but also essential for comfort during those tried and tested times I experience.

Sumptuous Day

Once again, I stayed in a hotel room Friday night and woke up Saturday morning to the movie Saturday Night Fever! What a treat that was. It gets you going for the rest of the day. The choreography/dance scenes are to die for. After I checked out, I'm walking down the Santa Monica Boulevard strip and stop to admire a red Bentley with white, leather seats. Low and behold, the person driving the car was none other than........Eddie Murphy! You don't get to see him everyday. Talk about A-list. It has been reported that he is now finalizing a deal to do a sequel to Beverly Hills Cop! Once again, that night, I ended up on the same couch as before located in an alleyway but all good things must come to an end. The very next night, Sunday, a thuggish creature woke me up at 1:30am to tell me the couch I was sleeping on was his couch! This is the first time I've had interaction with another homeless person regarding sleeping arrangements. I always avoid confrontation, so I got up and walked around in a slumber. After walking around for half an hour, I found this underground parking lot of a residential building. The gate was open, so I walked inside. Low and behold, there a zillion couches. I thought about the risks for a second. 'I'm trespassing now but the couches are sort of hidden inconspicuously, away from the cars. There aren't that many cars parked in the area (which was kind of odd, given the building was residential).' So I parked my body on one of the couches, I was exhausted. I didn't get the quality sleep I wanted, you have to consider police or sheriffs arousing you and inquiring. About two hours later, I woke up to hear a car entering the parking lot. With my sweatshirt tucked over my head (check the picture out), I freeze. 'Oh no, what if I'm seen?', I thought. False alarm. The person did not see me. Whew, that was close. I go back to sleep, wake up in the morning and get the hell out of there. Chances are, though, I'll be returning to that particular spot tonight. There's a marine layer cast overhead which is preventing the sun from poking through. Eventually, the overcast will dissipate. It does feel like it is going to rain but it's not. Summer will be in Southern California very soon. Blockbuster films are ramming into movietheaters and gas prices are going to go through the roof. If you're walking across the street, be very careful, wherever you may be, drivers are going to be very angry, looking for someone to mow down. Hopefully, by the summertime, I will have already gone through the commotions and have gotten proper housing. The city of West Hollywood is taking action against the growing rate of market-rate, sky-rocketing, through the roof and into the sky rent. They are purchasing lots or have already purchased lots and building affordable housing. As reported in the Westside Chronicle, they are focusing on, with all their mighty power, building close to 250 units. How do you get on the list, I don't know but I'm sure as holy hell going to find out. The next time I visit city hall of West Hollywood, I will inquire, inquiring minds want to know (there was no information in the article about how to get on a list). The city of Santa Monica is working on the issue of homelessness with aggression, they're sick of the problem. The average income per capita in this city by the beach is $50,000, so they are disgusted with seeing filthy, mentally ill people on the streets scratching themselves and rummaging through garbage cans sightlessly. The mistake, in my opinion, the city is going to make is giving this responsibility for sweeping the streets clean to non-profit agencies. Not a good idea! They don't know what the hell they're doing. Every city needs doctors in whitecoats with needles in their hands, walking down the street, looking for anybody who might resemble a sick, homeless person. I was walking down the street in Santa Monica once and saw this homeless man with the bulb of his nose corroded away. Yuck! It was disgusting. I had to look twice to make sure that what I was looking at was real. How is a non-profit agency going to handle that? The person needed some serious help, I think he had some sort of flesh eating disease.