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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Encounters With Celebrities/Robert Plant

Robert Plant likes to shop with his daughter named Carmen in Santa Monica on the Third Street Promenade. The first time that I saw him was when I didn't fully recognize him but now I can see that it certainly was him and he was going to an Urban Outfitter's store with his daughter. The second time around was on Superbowl Sunday and it was right before the Grammy's for that year but I forget what year it was. It was on Santa Monica Boulevard in Santa Monica and he was wearing a slight beard but I still recognized him.

I stopped him and said hello but he only wanted to shake my hand. I insisted on a hug as well and then he wished me cheers..... those British. He stands at six feet and was in excellent shape which I can't understand given the fact that he did all those things that he did back in the hey-day of those days that were dazed as well as confused....well... actually dazed because they knew exactly what they were doing. Nowadays is when people are dazed and confused..... indeed.

I had only discovered the music of Led Zeppelin two years before prior to meeting Mr. Plant when rockbands were auditioning me. I had to listen to their music because of the nature of the auditions but at first was when I didn't like the music! Could you believe that?! Now is when I am hooked on phonics with their music.... which is magical to say the least and sonic to say the most. Robert Plant is a magical person but you just might not recognize him because he blends in rather well with the public. If I was able to recognize Farrah Fawcett by her elbow then I was able to recognize him.... I guess.