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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Encounters With Celebrities/ Steven Tyler

This encounter was one of the most interesting ones.... simply because of the way it occurred. I was working for a non-profit group and my job was to solicit signatures to put an initiative on the ballot.... which was successful. I was standing on Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood when a Lincoln Town car pulls up behind me and I see a lot of hair as well as a cigar so I thought that it might be a woman smoking a cigar.

The person walks towards me and stands in front of me while completely ignoring me which was funny because I was just a few inches away from Steven Tyler.... but the reason why he was doing so was because he was busy listening to an aged homeless woman singing a song. She wasn't that bad and she didn't look dirty or anything like that. I was just standing there bewildered because I wanted him to sign the initiative sheet so that I could get paid. Solicitors get paid per signature if they are registered to vote and if they are not then you have to register them.

He ended up giving her a hundred dollars after hearing her and then just walked away. I thought to myself that it was funny because of the fact that he was completely ignoring me while standing in front of me. These two girls then ran up to me to ask me if it was him and I said.... yes. They were elated.... and I could imagine why. He's one of the most prolific rock stars out there.....yes... he still is. Rock stars are people who take it to the max in my opinion. That means doing the drugs and drinking the alcohol.

Rock stars are generally express angst and vent by using those substances. I admire that because it shows that they think outside of the box. The drugs and alcohol may destroy them but some of them do or did survive. It always amazes me when that charisma can lead to successful sales of an album and record concert box-office ticket sales. Pop stars are different. They are more emotional and expressive.... and yes... he still smokes cigars after the throat cancer.