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Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Encounters With Celebrities/Andy Dick

Yup.... I've met him as well... and I'm sure that a lot of people have. He's quite the character. Maybe he should do a show that's similar to what Charlie Sheen is doing and take it on tour. He was recently arrested for public intoxication but when I met him was when he seemed fine.

It was a few years ago when I was in a bar called Trunks in West Hollywood. It's one of those run of the mill types of places where regulars go to drink and to play pool.... but..... it's also the place where Sheryl Crow wrote her first hit song called All I Wanna Do. I can see why she wrote that song back in the nineties.

The bar was about to close when in walks Andy Dick. He then sits down at the bar and orders drinks for everybody...... how generous! I hugged him from behind because of that gesture. How many celebrities can you hug from behind?! Not many! I sort of followed him after the bar closed to see what else that he was going to do. He was social and just got into a car that took off.