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Friday, May 06, 2011

Encounters With Celebrities/Stevie Wonder

I was just leaving a Whole Foods supermarket in Beverly Hills today when I saw a man who had long hair that was braided with another man who was holding Stevie Wonder's hand. I instantly recognized the music artist because of the hair. His appearance just made people stop what they were doing to admire the man who wrote songs like Castles In The Sky.

I restrained myself from approaching him because it looked as if Stevie Wonder and his assistant were concentrating on walking through the parking lot to get to their Range Rover but I stopped myself to watch. It was kind of like an event because it's not everyday that you see a guy like Stevie Wonder out in public. I would imagine that he doesn't venture out much because of his stature and his blindness. He's also probably busy either making music or producing it.

He will be performing in the Monte Carlo Sporting Summer Music Festival along with Janet Jackson and Sting. His latest album was released about two years ago.... although I didn't like it much. He performed with John Legend after Michael Jackson died and stopped for a minute to cry in response the the late artist's death.

I would've too if I had did a song with Michael Jackson. They both did one that was called Just Good Friends and it was released in the eighties. I remember watching them perform it on Don Cornelius's Soul Train show which aired on Saturday mornings.