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Friday, April 22, 2011

Encounters With Celebrities/Christina Applegate/Cameltoe

This encounter was one of the more intense ones. Christina Applegate owned a cabaret club with her mom called Villavekula and it was in West Hollywood. I would frequent the place to listen and watch this cabaret singer perform. The singer took a liking to me and took me home with her one night where we went at it for a long time...... I call those sessions or marathons.

She then gave me a gorgeous Yves St. Laurent shirt and took me to a private party one night. It was there where I met Christina Applegate. She was sitting at a table with her mom and dad. She stood up when she was me and we just stared into each others eyes as if we were studying each other's souls. I looked at her up and down while noticing a....uh.... distinct.... cameltoe. I think that she knew that it was there because the pants that she wore were tight.

I shyed away because of the intensity and ended up going home after that but it was memorable. I have never seen a cameltoe before and am always astonished when I do see one on a woman. Christiana Applegate looked fit as a fiddle on that night and I'm sure that she still does. The place ended up closing but the cabaret singer is still performing. I ran into the singer again about three years ago and she ended turning gay! How about that?

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